Updates to TPS Cloud Axis - November 15, 2021

Posted over 3 years ago by Giovanna Zisopulos

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Giovanna Zisopulos
Giovanna Zisopulos Admin

In August, we introduced the option to allow users to switch between the Old View (original look) and the New Look to get familiar with the new features and screen navigation. We are happy to announce that on Monday, November 15, 2021, the new look will become the default look in TPS Cloud Axis. Several new features were implemented in this new look improving the functionality and navigation of the product.
Some of the new features are:

  • A Print option is available on the Client, Billing, and Employee screen; it allows a user to print the on-screen data via an excel export.
  • The Tools - Print/Send Batch now offers a new Batch Mail tab, which allows sending blast emails to clients that do not require the use of TPS templates. For example, you can filter by a group of clients, type your email's subject and body, and send it to all selected clients.
  • There is a new field for "Region" in the Client properties for client-specific cases when the date format on the variable needs to be displayed in a different language.

In addition to the new features, there are several improvements in the navigation, and additional features were added throughout the different sections.

  • Time entry
  • Employee Permissions
  • User Preferences
  • Workflow improvements
  • Tools - Templates
  • Number of transactions displayed per page
  • Bi-Directional email functionality improvements for Pro and Ultimate plans
  • Keyboard shortcuts

The additional details on the newest improvements and features are in the Release Notes; this icon is located in the upper right section of your TPS Cloud Axis.

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