Client Utility (Batch Update) > Contacts tab > Convert Contacts subtab for email addresses

Posted over 1 year ago by Giovanna Zisopulos

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Giovanna Zisopulos
Giovanna Zisopulos Admin

Client Utility (Batch Update) > Contacts tab > Convert Contacts subtab

Under the Tools menu, we have the option to access the Client Utility, which provides the option to do Batch updates to different fields on the Client Properties. The 'Contacts' tab > Convert Contacts' subtab allows you to create a separate contact for each email stored in the 'Client Properties > Address Tab'. If a contact with the email already exists, it will not create a new one; instead, it will assign that Contact to the Client. If the client already has a Contact assigned with the same email, then it will be ignored.

The new contacts will be created using the Client's First Name and Last Name; you will be able to update their record with the correct names afterward by accessing the 'Contact' Menu. Any contact that gets created by the Client Utility will include in the Last Name field (ac), which stands for auto-created, allowing you to easily search and identify them.
Video: Client Utility - Contacts Tab Instructional Video

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