
Posted about 1 month ago by Graham Applebaum

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Graham Applebaum

Would it be possible to show the Comments as a column in the workflow in addition to the job notes? We wanted to use the Job Notes to give instructions to our admin team who email and print returns and use the comments for the staff. It's much easier to see the comments if they were in a column as opposed to opening up every client. 

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Giovanna Zisopulos

Giovanna Zisopulos posted about 1 month ago Admin

Hi Graham, 

The Workflow 'Comments' field is designed to store multiple individual entries, adding it as a column in the workflow grid wouldn't be effective. However, if you want to keep the notes or instructions visible in the grid view, you could use the 'Job Notes' field instead. This field is designed to hold a single, continuous block of text, allowing you to easily share instructions with staff for a specific workflow event. These notes will be visible in both the Workflow Firm and Employee views.
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