Discover the Benefits of the Invoice Menu Icon

Posted over 1 year ago by Giovanna Zisopulos

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Giovanna Zisopulos
Giovanna Zisopulos Admin

Managing your list of invoices has never been easier. The 'Invoices' icon grants you effortless access to your complete invoice list, but its advantages go far beyond simple accessibility. You can filter, and sort your invoice list with ease, thanks to the effective filters provided. Quickly locate unpaid invoices or sort the list by Invoice Date, or by Client. The real game-changer lies in the integration of online payment software allowing your firm to accept credit card payments seamlessly from your office, simplifying the process for both you and your clients.

For example, picture a client entering your office, prepared to pay their outstanding invoices by credit card. With the integrated online payment software, your firm can navigate to the TPS 'Invoices' icon, select the specific invoice, and process the payment by clicking on 'Pay Invoices'. This feature not only enhances customer satisfaction but also significantly boosts your firm's efficiency.

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In essence, the 'Invoices' icon offers more than just access to a list of invoices; it's a powerful tool that enables your firm to efficiently manage, track, and receive payments via credit card through integrated online payment software.

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