Audit Log: Analyzing Transactions Created or Modified by Staff or Through QuickBooks Online (QBO) Linkage

Posted about 1 year ago by Giovanna Zisopulos

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Giovanna Zisopulos
Giovanna Zisopulos Admin

Staying in control of your transactions and understanding how to analyze the transactions in the Audit Log is key to maintaining precision and efficiency. The Audit Log feature offers a seamless way to track modifications made either by your team or through the QuickBooks Online linkage. It provides details on what was altered and precisely when it happened. The power lies in its versatility, allowing you to filter changes by date, entity, action, user, employee, client, or invoice.

To delve into the transactions and changes done, head to the 'Tools Menu' and select 'Audit Log.' Within this section, you will be able to utilize the filtering options:


  1. Date Filter: Specify the timeframe for the transactions based on the Time Stamp of the changes.
  2. Entity: classify transactions by type.
  3. Action Type: Filter transactions based on whether they were created, updated, or deleted.
  4. User: Identify the staff member responsible for the changes, and use the QuickBooks filter to distinguish updates from QBO.
  5. Employee: Track changes in employee properties.
  6. Client Filter: Apply filters specific to clients.
  7. Invoice Number: Easily locate transactions by invoice number.

Enhance your viewing experience by increasing the number of items per page. Simply access the 'Gear icon' options and adjust the settings.


Analyzing transactions:

  1. Utilize the 'Time Stamp' columns to sort changes based on the date modified. This feature aids in chronologically understanding the sequence of changes done.
  2. 'User' column shows who is responsible for the changes.
  3. 'Action' column serves as a quick identifier, distinguishing whether a transaction was created or updated.
  4. 'Type' column categorizes changes, indicating whether they impact invoices, client properties, time (transactions within an invoice), or payments.
  5. Gain additional transaction details through the 'Name/Parent' Column, providing context to identify the record in question.
  6. 'Changes' column offers 'View Details' to reveal the historical modifications made to the selected transaction. The 'History Time Line' option provides the details.

  • Transactions created and modified by the QuickBooks Online linkage (QBO)
    To view the QBO transactions filter for 'User: QuickBooks.' This filter narrows down the focus to changes directly influenced by the QBO linkage.    

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