TPS Cloud Axis - QuickBooks Online (QBO) Synchronization: Understanding and Addressing Issues/Messages provided

Posted 11 months ago by Giovanna Zisopulos

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Giovanna Zisopulos
Giovanna Zisopulos Admin

Addressing Issues/Messages provided by the TPS Cloud Axis and QuickBooks Online (QBO) Synchronization

Synchronizing data between TPS Cloud Axis and QuickBooks Online (QBO) should be done every day or at least every week . However, during the synchronization process, issues may arise that require your attention. This guide aims to help you identify and address these issues effectively.

  1. Review Sync History:
    After each synchronization, review the Sync History list to identify which records were synchronized and their status.
    Records may be marked as Failed (red icon), Warning (orange icon), or Successful (green checkmark).

  2. Sort Status Column:
    Sort the Status column to quickly identify records marked as Failed, or with a Warning as these require immediate attention. The Message column provides the details identified as a problem on each record.

  3. Retry Failed Items:
    Check the 'Retry Failed Items' section to Retry the selected transactions once you have applied the necessary corrections based on the message provided. If needed, you will have the option to 'Manually Remove Entry'. However, the Manually Remove Entry feature will mark the transaction as 'ignore' from the synchronization.
    Ignoring transactions may impact the Accounts Receivable (AR) balance, so it's advisable to address issues instead of marking them as Manually Remove/Ignore. 

  4. Understanding Messages:
    Messages may be generated by QBO or TPS Cloud Axis. Understanding their origin helps in troubleshooting.

    • Messages generated from QBO begin with 'Validation Exception was thrown'.
      For instance: "Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Business Validation Error: Enter a transaction amount that is 0 or greater."
      The description provided after the 'Details' specifies the  issues that need correction.
      "Enter a transaction amount that is 0 or greater", which notifies about an issue with a specific transaction in QBO with an incorrect value. This type of issue needs to be corrected directly within the QBO database.
      If required, refer to the QBO API Error Codes List for further clarification of the errors provided by QBO:  link to QBO messages/warnings.

    • Messages from TPS Cloud Axis:
      TPS Cloud Axis generates messages like 'Client not found' or 'No linked client found', pinpointing the exact issue to resolve. In these examples the Synchronization screen instructs you to access the 'Client Config' to decide if the client should be mapped, if it exists, added or removed.

Frequently Reported Messages in TPS and QBO

When your firm is unsure how to proceed with the messages, we suggest comparing the client's transaction in TPS Cloud Axis Inquiry and QBO Customers transactions to identify the differences.

  • QuickBooks Online (QBO) Messages - require actions directly in the QBO DB:

    • QBO Business Validation Error

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Business Validation Error: We're sorry, QuickBooks encountered an error while calculating tax. Try reselecting the tax rate or reentering the product/service item and saving the form again.

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Business Validation Error: Add a line item to continue.

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Business Validation Error: You can't void this transaction because it has never been saved.

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Business Validation Error: Enter a transaction amount that is 0 or greater.

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Business Validation Error: Please enter at least one line item.

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Business Validation Error: This transaction is matched to a downloaded transaction. If you want to change the account, you need to unmatch the transaction first.

    •  QBO Object Not Found

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Object Not Found : Another user has deleted this transaction.

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Object Not Found : Something you're trying to use has been made inactive. Check the fields with accounts, customers, items, vendors or employees.

    •  QBO Additional messages

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: The account period has closed and the account books cannot be updated through through the QBO Services API. Please use the QBO website to make these changes.

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Duplicate Document Number Error : You must specify a different number. This number has already been used. DocNumber=T-2000 is assigned to TxnType=Invoice with TxnId=4393.

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: The name supplied already exists. : Another customer, supplier, or employee is already using this name. Please use a different name.

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: You can not delete this transaction because it is matched to a transaction that was downloaded into a different account.

      • Validation Exception was thrown. Details: This transaction has been deposited. If you want to change or delete it, you must edit the deposit it appears on and remove it first.

  • TPS Cloud Axis Messages:
    • Client not found in TPS.
    • No linked client found.
    • You are trying to add an payment to a closed period. If you want to sync the payment you must change its date to be in an open period.
    • You are trying to add an invoice to a closed period. If you want to sync the invoice you must change its date to be in an open period.
    • Invoice has tax 3 but tax 3 was not configured with Quickbooks.
    • Trying to pay an invoice which has already been paid.
    • The bank account for AR Adjustments has not been specified. Configure the bank account and try again.
    • Tax Code 'HST ON' has not been configured in the tax mapping. Please configure it first then retry the sync.
    • Client not exported because it is a NonChargeable Client.
    • Invoice has tax, but taxes are not configured on Quickbooks.

Synchronizing regularly and addressing issues promptly will maintain the A/R in balance between TPS Cloud Axis and QuickBooks Online.

 Related Articles: 

 Don't hesitate to reach out to us for additional information on the TPS synchronization process.


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