Overview of Report Menu Folders in TPS Cloud Axis

Posted 6 months ago by Giovanna Zisopulos

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Giovanna Zisopulos
Giovanna Zisopulos Admin

TPS Cloud Axis provides over 400 diverse reports that offer detailed insights into the Administrative, Accounting, and Analytical aspects of the firm's operations. These reports are organized into nine main folders, each offering various versions with multiple views, sorting, and subtotaling options. The wide range of options allows firms to analyze data based on date, work codes, work types, clients, employees, partners, or managers, ensuring flexibility when choosing the reports to accommodate specific firm preferences. This article aims to provide a general understanding of the types of data available in each main report folder, which will help your firm navigate through the report menu. Once your firm identifies the reports that meet its requirements, we recommend adding them to the 'Favorite Folder' for quick access to the frequently used reports, whether they are run on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis.

  1. Administrative Reports
    Administrative reports help manage key operational elements such as work codes, employees, and clients. These reports offer straightforward listings and insights to support effective organization and management.
    • Work Code List: Contains a comprehensive list of all work codes within your firm. It is useful for reviewing or updating work codes and ensuring clarity in tracking different types of work.
    • Employee List: Provides a comprehensive list of employees, including their type, status (active/inactive), rates, access rights, and other details based on employee properties. This report assists in managing personnel and reviewing various aspects of employee information.
    • Client List: Offers a variety of client listing and detail reports for client management.

  2. Accounting Reports
    Accounting reports deliver a detailed view of your firm’s financial data, including invoices, customer balances, and payment activity. These reports are essential for billing, monthly financial reconciliations, tracking client payments, and managing outstanding invoices.
    • WIP [Work In Progress]: WIP reports track unbilled work in progress transactions. The WIP Summary and WIP Detail, are essential for monitoring unbilled work in progress and are particularly useful during the pre-billing process. Additionally, WIP Reconciliation reports track WIP activity for the current period providing the Opening WIP and Closing WIP totals for the period-to-date or year-to-date.
    • A/R [Accounts Receivable]: A/R reports detail outstanding account receivables, including aging summaries, reconciliation, statements, detailed invoice activity, payments, and adjustments, which are crucial for collection calls and maintaining healthy cash flow.

  3.  Analytical Reports
    Analytical reports assist in measuring overall performance and evaluating the firm's health. They are vital for identifying trends and making strategic decisions.
    • Billing Realization: This report tracks markups and markdowns on invoices within a specified date range. It provides insights into billing efficiency and profitability.
    • Time Reports: Time reports focus on employee time entries, analyzing both billed and unbilled work. They offer valuable insights into productivity.
    • Activity Reports: These reports track activities over a given period, including monthly and yearly comparison reports.
    • Budget Reports: Budget reports compare budgeted versus actual costs for specific engagements. They help ensure projects stay within the preset budget parameters.

You can find the YouTube video icon for each report folder throughout the Report Menu lists, or access the YouTube Playlist: Reports - TPS Cloud Axis https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe10xt5Lg8Jc5vyNFWwAWnQQx6rcRL9Sq 

TPS Cloud Axis report section equips your firm with the necessary reports to manage, monitor, and optimize every aspect of your firm's operations, offering data analysis for both daily management and strategic planning.

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